News Archive

PTM Corporation Invests $1.7 Million in growing St. Clair County Manufacturing Plant  
June 17, 2020
- Ira Township, Michigan – June 17, 2020   PTM Corporation is investing nearly $2 million in its St. Clair County, Michigan, manufacturing facility.  The company boasts a growing manufacturing campus of nearly 300,000 square feet and has been producing metal stampings in the region since 1972, as a full-service metal stamping supplier.  PTM...

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Michigan Soars 19 Spots - Now Ranks 13th Best State to Do Business
June 10, 2020
- Michigan’s jump of 19 spots, to No. 13, was one of the biggest single-year moves in the Best & Worst States for Business ranking history and reflected a broad surge of confidence by CEOs even as the auto industry has leveled off. “We’re seeing a...

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$25,000 Awarded to Local Minority and Women-Owned Businesses
June 5, 2020
- St. Clair County, Michigan – Grants totaling $25,000 have been awarded to 12 local minority and women-owned businesses. The Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County provided the grants with funding support from the Community Foundation of St. Clair County Covid-19 Thumbcoast Regional Response Fund. “We just want to say that...

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EDA issues RFP for Architectural Services
May 29, 2020
- Request for Proposals (RFP) for Architectural Services ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County (EDA), is requesting proposals from qualified firms or individuals (Architect) to provide schematic design and design documents for bidding...

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Michigan Work Share Program May Help Struggling Businesses
May 14, 2020
- EDA's CEO, Dan Casey, discusses how the federal Work Share program that Michigan is participating in may help employers retain skilled workers, while reducing payroll expenses.  Employers can reduce hours from 10-60%, with unemployment wages making up the difference.  Employers must maintain an employee's fringe benefits....

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Community Foundation grants EDA $25,000 for Minority and Women-Owned Businesses
May 6, 2020
- St. Clair County, Michigan -- The Community Foundation of St. Clair County is pleased to announce it will provide $25,000 in grant funding to the Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County to support minority and women-owned businesses hurt by COVID-19 in the St. Clair County region.    “We...

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Relief Grants Awarded to Thirty St. Clair County Small Businesses
April 16, 2020
- Nearly two weeks ago, thirty St. Clair County businesses were selected to receive Small Business Relief Grants from The Michigan Strategic Fund. The program authorized the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) to provide up to $10 million in small business grants and $10 million in small business loans statewide to businesses affected...

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$349 Billion Paycheck Protection Program Opens Today
April 3, 2020
- Relief is on the way to many small businesses with the $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program which opens today.  The PPP offers federally backed loans of up to $10 million to employers with fewer than 500 employees (and some larger employers depending on SBA size standards).  This program is for any...

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Small Business Relief Funding Expands Under CARES Act
March 31, 2020
- Important Small Business Relief updates related to the CARES ACT Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Details: First, is my business eligible if I have over 500 employees?  Yes, possibly. Depending on your industry, a small business can be a business with a maximum of 250 empSloyees or a maxium...

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St. Clair County Business Relief Grants
March 25, 2020
- St. Clair County, Michigan  The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) has approved a regional grant for the I-69 Thumb Region submitted collaboratively by Region 6 economic development partners.  Approval of this grant in the amount of $850,000 allows the I-69 Thumb Region, consisting of seven (7) counties, to issue prompt Small...

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