New Small Business Cohort Program Seeks 40 Entrepreneurs from Region 6
January 23, 2024

Applications are now being accepted from entrepreneurs in Shiawassee, Lapeer, Tuscola, Huron, Sanilac and St. Clair Counties to become part of a newly formed Small Business Cohort. The Cohort program will accommodate up to forty entrepreneurs in 2024, with each participant receiving coaching, mentoring and up to $7,000 in crucial support services to help their small businesses flourish and grow.
As part of a recent $2.5 million Small Business Support Hubs (SBSH) program grant award from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the new Small Business Cohort aims to strengthen and improve our region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and help people realize their dream of being self-employed.
Entrepreneurs interested in joining the Region 6 Small Business Cohort can fill out an application online at:
The Port Huron Smartzone and its affiliated The Underground business incubator is the Hub for Region 6. However, all programming, initiatives and funding opportunities that arise from the Hub will occur as The Eastern Michigan Small Business Network. The Eastern Michigan Small Business Network is a partnership of organizations committed to serving the needs of startup and small businesses in Michigan's central eastern region. The primary goal of the Network is to accelerate the entrepreneurial pathway to success.
About EDA of St. Clair County
The Economic Development Alliance (EDA) of St. Clair County is a private non-profit organization that creates economic prosperity by growing companies and cultivating vibrant communities. The EDA is a full-service economic development agency working in the areas of business attraction, retention and expansion, community development, small business development, talent attraction and regional marketing. The EDA’s mission to enhance the prosperity and growth of our region’s economy is made possible by the generous support of EDA private & public sector investor members passionate about supporting community and economic development. To learn more about the Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County visit:
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