Going Pro Talent Fund Restored - $28.7 Million in Workforce Training Dollars Available for 2021
October 12, 2020

The Michigan 2021 budget has restored funding for The Going PRO Talent Fund with $28.7 million earmarked specifically for the Going PRO Talent Fund. The upcoming application period, opens Monday, Nov. 2, and closes Monday, November 30, 2020 at 5:00 PM. The program wasn’t funded in 2020 due to budget cuts.
GoingPro is an invaluable funding source for Michigan businesses of all sizes. The need for talent has never been greater. The program awards funding to employers to assist in training, developing and retraining current and newly hired employees. This funding is also an effective way to help employers with a skilled labor shortage.
The Going Pro Talent fund helps to ensure Michigan’s employers have the talent they need to compete and grow on a local, national and global level and ensures that individuals have the necessary skills they need for the wide variety of in-demand jobs in Michigan. New skills acquired also typically lead to a boost in hourly wages for employees and increased retention rates and higher productivity for employers.
Through the Talent Fund, employers can apply for up to $1,500 per employee in training funding assistance. The Economic Development Alliance (EDA) encourages businesses in St. Clair County to apply for Going Pro Talent Funding. All applications in the competitive-grant program must be submitted to the state through Michigan Works!
Training plans approved through the Talent Fund must be short-term and fill a demonstrated talent need experienced by the employer. Training must lead to a credential for a skill that is transferable and industry recognized.
Which employees are eligible to participate?
- Permanent, full-time employee of the employer when the approved training begins
- Works primarily in Michigan, and for whom the employer pays all applicable taxes to the State of Michigan, regardless of where the employee lives
- 18 years of age or older
- Citizen or legally authorized to work in the U.S.
If your business is interested in applying this year, click here:
Local Training Partners:
NCTS Corporation
Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center
St. Clair County Community College
Eligible Training:
Classroom or Customized Training
Reimbursement for Onsite Training
New employee On-the-Job-Training
Apprenticeships (first year registered apprentices)
View Past Awards to Michigan companies here:
2019: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/wda/GoingPRO_Talent_Fund_FY19_Awards_Per_Region_641612_7.pdf
Keep in mind, training awards are not limited to skilled trades. Training dollars apply to many industries and positions and can help you attract, train or retrain your workforce!
However, here are a few examples of skilled trades training utilized by regional companies and previously funded by the program:
- Welding
- Blue Print Reading
- Pneumatics/Hydraulics
- Maintenance Troubleshooting
- Mechatronics
- CNC Programming
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Mechanical / Mold Maker Apprenticeship
- Leadership, Time and Priority Management
To learn more about how your business could benefit from the Going Pro Talent fund, click here: https://www.michigan.gov/leo/0,5863,7-336-94422_95539_64365_64538-312972--,00.html
Have questions about training that may be eligible? Email Bruce Seymore at bseymore@edascc.com or call call 810.982.9511.
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