January 22, 2021

The Going PRO Talent Fund (Talent Fund) makes awards to employers to assist in training, developing and retaining current and newly hired employees. $39 million in grants are being awarded by Michigan’s Going PRO Talent Fund to train 30,000 workers across the state and provide training grants to more than 850 Michigan businesses. We are pleased to share that grant funds have been awarded to all nine companies in St. Clair County that applied for the grant totaling $243,900.
“Macomb/St. Clair Michigan Works! (M/SCMW) congratulates the St. Clair County recipients of this competitive grant. We believe that this funding is vital as it is a WIN/WIN for the employees, the businesses, and our community. M/SCMW and our Business Services Team looks forward to these continued partnerships” said Jennifer Taylor of the Macomb/St. Clair Workforce Development Board.
Training funds awarded are used in short-term and customized training to meet employee skills requirements for hiring needs and to help close skills gaps for existing employees. Training must lead to a credential or skill that is transferable and recognized by the industry. The Going Pro Talent Fund ensures that Michigan's employers have the talent they need to compete and grow, and individuals the skills necessary for in-demand jobs.
Below is a list of St. Clair county grant recipients:
Selective Industries | Marine City | $12,555 |
BioPro | Port Huron Township | $8,314 |
Dunn Paper | Port Huron | $39,938 |
Eckhart | Algonac | $45,301 |
Blue Water Controls | Clyde | $7,500 |
PTM Corporation | Ira Township | $40,768 |
ZF Axle Drives | Marysville | $9,000 |
PJ Wallbank Springs | Port Huron | $45,000 |
BTM Company | Marysville | $35,446 |
Total: $243,882
“The EDA and our workforce development partners worked together to market the program and encourage companies to apply for Going PRO Talent Fund grant funding. The funds awarded will provide industry-recognized training for St. Clair County residents and help companies reduce talent skill gaps ,” said Dan Casey, CEO of the EDA of St. Clair County.
The Economic Development Alliance works closely with Macomb/St. Clair Michigan Works! and regional educational partners to align training and industry needs and make sure our companies are aware of workforce talent resources, training and funding opportunities.
About EDA of St. Clair County
The Economic Development Alliance (EDA) of St. Clair County is a private non-profit organization that provides general purpose economic development services throughout St. Clair County. EDA offers a wide variety of services involving business attraction, retention and expansion and community development assistance. The EDA of St. Clair County is supported by a membership of over 150 businesses from the private & public sector passionate about supporting community and economic development.
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